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Climate Change and Global Warming

  Climate Change a Global Problem   Introduction: Ø   This paper seeks to establish: ·           W hat is climate change and its effects on weather patterns, ·           T he causes of global warming ·             and possible solutions to it ·          Hurricane Katrina   Ø   The paper also looks into: v     key environmental changes brought by climatic changes such as; v   A n increase in flooding, v    I ncreased precipitation, v    E xtreme temperatures in summer and winter, v    L oss of biodiversity v    water pollution, v   A ir pollution, v    R ising sea levels v   , Rise in crime, v   M igration and displacement Ø   It will conclude by establishing what measures are taken to respond to these environmental changes. What Is Climate Change? Climate change refers to significant changes to the climate with respect to the average temperature, land use patterns, river flows, and snow melt (Parrish & Nelms 2009). A variety of reasons have bee